How to build a .Net core app on macOS

Who said you can’t program .net core apps on macOS? See below how to do it!

Prerequisite(s): download & install .NET Core SDK

1.) Open a terminal, cd to Documents (or wherever you’d like to save your project.)
– I made a new directory called CoreApp for this tutorial.

2.) Type “dotnet new -h” to see template options.

3.) I will be making a console app for this tutorial. Type “dotnet new console” to create the application. This will create a .csproj file, a Program.cs file, and an obj/ directory. I will go more in depth about these in a later tutorial.

4.) type “dotnet run” to compile and run the program. This will start the test app and output “Hello World!”

Thats it! Please comment below if you have any questions.